Free & Easy – 60 – 75 years
The kids are gone (hopefully), you’re free again and it’s time to start enjoying the fruits of your labour! This stage is all about setting up the last push to retirement and then ensuring you have the correct structure in place to achieve your objectives. Most people like to make sure they’ve built in regular travel, purchased a new car/caravan, finalised some home renovations or potentially secured the home they’d like (e.g. downsized from their family home) while also allowing time for grandkids and plenty of time to fulfil other lifestyle goals.
While the above sounds fantastic in theory, how do you know that you’ve got enough to last as well as optimise your future tax, Centrelink, cash flow and superannuation position?
Some of the benefits you may receive by addressing the focus areas above include:
- Peace of mind in that you understand exactly how you are going to meet your expense requirements and can retire with confidence
- Correctly structured income streams that are tax effective and are aligned to your expense requirements and allow flexibility in case your circumstances change
- An optimised Centrelink plan addressing both your age pension and health care card entitlements
- Confidence that you are making the most of your opportunities as well as access to a professional sounding board to ensure your nest egg continues to work for you without taking on risk you’re not comfortable with
- A correctly executed Estate Plan, ensuring your spouse is looked after in the event of premature illness or death
Contact Us
At Profusion Planning, we can help you match your income to your lifestyle needs, plan capital expenditure and ensure you are getting the Centrelink benefits you are entitled too.