Who We Can Help
Where Are You In Life?
At Profusion Planning, we’re committed to building trusting, long-term relationships with our clients. After all, as life changes, you need a plan that’s flexible enough to change with it.
Fit & Flexible
With your first job under your belt and minimal debt, chances are you have great disposable income. But did you know improving your financial fitness now can have a massive impact on your future?
‘Grown Ups’
You've now moved into the 'dreaded 30's' and have been officially classified by your former self as being WAY old! But what the younger, cooler version of yourself doesn't know is that you have now established a stronger career and have obtained a taste for the finer things in life. However as someone once said, with power comes great responsibility! You now probably have a lot more going on in life.
Home Stretch
This is the time in life where you start to think a little more seriously about your pending retirement. For those that have children, you may also find that you start to get some freedom back now the kids are older or have left home. Financially, you're probably earning at your peak, the mortgage is in good shape and superannuation is much more on your radar.
Free & Easy
The kids are gone (hopefully), you’re free again and it’s time to start enjoying the fruits of your labour! This stage is all about setting up the last push to retirement and then ensuring your have the correct structure in place to achieve your objectives.
You have entered the final stage of life and want to ensure that your wishes are met in the case you may require aged care and that your remaining assets are distributed to the people you love.